Fellow Membership

Fellows are the major stakeholders in the Association. They consist highly influential leaders and decision makers in their various industries with strong interest and commitment in promoting safety at work. Fellows are individuals who have attained the highest level of professionalism in their field, and very passionate in Health, Safety, Security, Sustainability and Environmental matters. Becoming a Fellow of the institution gives you the opportunity to leverage with other top experts across various industries both locally and internationally. Take advantage of our Fellow Membership offer today, and further expand your horizon as a highly respected individual in your industry and society.


Requirements for this Membership

Our highest level of memberships

Updated CVs / Profile with Head-

Shot Photograph for further evaluation for the Award of Fellow Membership.

Evidence of Reg. Fee

This membership focus

Registration is Open to ALL Top Executives, MD/CEOs, Chairmen, Head of Institutions and Organisations and Personalities interested in Health, Safety, Security and Environmental related Career. Especially for those heading any institution /organisation in any industry.

Membership Benefits

Check out our very interesting offers and what you stand to gain:

  • Right of recognition ‘FOSHA’ after your name
  • Profile/CV Boost with International Membership certificate
  • Verifiable membership online via oshassociation.org using the International Membership Number
  • Fellows have access to exclusive opportunities, platforms and project partnerships from the Association; because they are the major stakeholders in the Association.
  • Opportunity to network with top Executives from the public and private organizations within the Association network.
  • Issuance of professional Cover Letter to assist Fellows in cases of Visa Application and for travel purposes.
  • Issuance of cover letter for project delivering capabilities and competency for corporate purposes.
  • Access to professional training and certification courses at a discounted rate
  • Earn financial returns through Membership Referral Commission and through engagement in any of the Association’s Business opportunities.
  • Authorisation for Accreditation as Independent Authorised Training Centre with proof of capabilities and competency in conducting training, also based on your request.
  • Attend OSHAssociation international and local conferences, seminars, workshops, etc. at special discounts.
  • Get updates on opportunities and developments and in the HSSE sector delivered through our publications (Safety View magazine) and online newsletters.
  • Access to online international learning and networking platforms for updates and professional development.
  • Have opportunities to be covered in the SAFETY VIEW Magazine FREE of charge for publication purposes, for more information visit – safetyviewmag.com

Opportunity to serve as a Regional President, Chairman or Ambassador of the Association in your location with lots of benefits; promoting safety and saving lives.

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