Duration: 3 Days Minimum Delivery Options: Physical Training, One-on-One, Online or Distant Learning Discount per quantity Quantity Fee 1 £25.00 […]
Study examines potential uses of AI in occupational medicine

What role might artificial intelligence play in occupational medicine? Two researchers from West Virginia University recently explored this question. Zaira […]
How to Find the Most Ergonomic Way to Do a Job

“Ergonomics” involves fitting work to people, with the goal of minimizing the risk of strains and sprains as well as […]
Procurement and Safety: A Partnership for Reducing Warehouse Risks

Warehouse operations remain a high-risk environment, with injury rates significantly exceeding national averages. A 2023 report by the U.S. Department of […]
Concrete company fined after man’s leg crushed

A concrete manufacturer has been fined after a steel pallet crushed an employee’s leg which then had to be partially […]
Company fined over church steeple fall death

A specialist construction company has been fined £60,000 after a 64-year-old worker fell to his death while working on a […]
Safety failing over workers killed by falling wall

A groundworks firm has admitted safety failings that led to two workers being crushed to death by a wall that […]